Sponsors and supporters
The institutions, companies and individuals listed below were kind and generous enough to offer us their support to the 5th IOTM. We truly appreciate their willingness to help financially and with the organization of the meeting.
Special thanks to the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for sponsoring the coming of young scientists from Switzerland and various countries to the 5th IOTM. These young scientists will bring new ideas and benefit from the experience of seasoned researchers.
The 5th IOTM — its organizers and for sure all the Delegates — are enormously grateful for the generous support it receives from the Swiss Academy of Sciences. It contributes greatly to the success of this scientific event.
The 5th IOTM acknowledges the generous assistance of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). It helps to offset the cost of holding the conference, makes the organization of the conference far easier and the experience the delegates will have of it far more pleasant.
We have been deeply moved by the support we received from the Faculty of Science of the University of Neuchâtel. It allows researchers and students of all over the world to meet in a relaxed and productive atmostphere. Have our warmest thanks!
What a wonderful support, both in the organizational and administrative fields, we received from the Laboratory Soil & Vegetation of the University of Neuchâtel! Thanks a lot!
For sure, the 5th IOTM would not be such a pleasant event without the support of the efficient and friendly team of Beatenberg Tourism. For the delegates to enjoy a beautiful scenery, to relax after a hard day of scientific work, to know more about the region where the conference takes place is a must. Beatenberg Tourism helped us to arrange all the little treats that are so agreeable.
We can only be thankful to the Kasparek Verlag, Heidelderg, Germany, for supporting our Conference. This publishing house with its eclectic assortment of books and journals (among others Zoology in the Middle East) is engaged in themes such as biodiversity, zoology and fauna, sustainability, ecotourism. We are very proud that it published also the Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy IV (the proceedings of the 4th IOTM).
Many thanks also to Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, for the support it gives to the 5th IOTM. This leading publisher of science and health information, publishes inter alia Pedobiologia, International Journal of Soil Biology, well-known among researchers in soil and agriculture science and forestry, microbiologists, biologists, ecologists, phytopathologists, zoologists.
Many thanks also to Pietro Omedeo (Italy), Huei-Ping Shen (Taiwan) and to several other private sponsors, who by their donation made it financially possible for scientists and students in need to participate in the 5th IOTM.