Proceedings of the past IOTM's
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy V
(Annelida: Oligochaeta)
Proceedings of the 5th International Oligochaeta Taxonomy Meeting
(5th IOTM), Beatenberg, Switzerland, April 11-15, 2011
Tomáš Pavlíček, Patricia Cardet, Csaba Csuzdi, Renée-Claire Le Bayon, Jean-Michel Gobat
Published at Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg
ISSN 2193-1550>> Table of contents
Tomáš Pavlíček
Part I. Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Evolution
♦ Robert J. Blakemore: Restating scope of genus Metaphire Sims & Easton, 1972: 40 years on
♦ Robert J. Blakemore: Japanese earthworms revisited a decade on
♦ Charlène Briard, Jiang-Ping Qiu, Qi Zhao, Muriel Guernion, Daniel Cluzeau: Phylogenetic study of some Aporrectodea species (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) based on molecular markers
♦ Tomáš Pavlíček, Yarin Hadid, Csaba Csuzdi: Opening Pandora’s box: Clitellum in phylogeny and taxonomy of earthworms
♦ Jadwiga Danuta Plisko: Notes on status of the family Microchaetidae (Oligochaeta)
♦ Victor V. Pop, Adriana Antonia Pop, Csaba Csuzdi: An annotated checklist of the Romanian earthworm fauna (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)
♦ Tarmo Timm: Life forms in Oligochaeta: a literature reviewPart II. Zoogeography, Ecology, Environment
♦ Eduardo Boothby Carlo, Sonia Borges, Mónica Alfaro: Abundance and distribution of Pontodrilus litoralis in the shores of the Cabo Rojo Lighthouse, Puerto Rico
♦ Ghayoumi Razieh, Latif Robabeh: First recorded earthworms from the Mouteh Wildlife Refuge, Iran
♦ Michèle Glasstetter: Earthworm diversity in urban habitats of Basel (Northwestern Switzerland) (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)
♦ Mete Mısırlıoğlu: Distribution of earthworms belonging to families Acanthodrilidae, Criodrilidae, and Megascolecidae in Turkey
♦ Tomáš Pavlíček, Csaba Csuzdi: Earthworm fauna of French Guiana
♦ Satyendra M. Singh, Om Prakash: Species richness and density of earthworm populations in grasslands of Western Uttar Pradesh, India (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae, Octochaetidae)
♦ Alexandra D. Solomou, Athanassios I. Sfougaris, Evangelia M. Vavoulidou, Csaba Csuzdi: The effects of farming practices on earthworm dynamics in olive groves of central Greece
♦ Ghanshyam Tripathi, K. R. Panwar: Biotic interaction of earthworms in arid pedoecosystem
♦ Ghanshyam Tripathi, K. R. Panwar: Earthworm fauna of Indian Thar Desert
♦ Qi Zhao, Daniel Cluzeau, Jing Sun, Jibao Jiang, Charlène Briard, Muriel Guernion, Jiang-Ping Qiu: Hainan earthworm community and its comparison with other East and Southeast Asia countries for geographical distribution and endemic ratePart III. Morphology, reproduction
♦ Gergely Boros: First record of reproduction by fragmentation in the genus Marionina (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae)
♦ Somayeh Ezzatpanah: Geographic differences in the setal pattern of Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) in IranPart IV. Varia
♦ Robert J. Blakemore: Call for a census of soil invertebrates (CoSI)
♦ Maxim P. Shaskov: Lumbricus - database on earthworms ranges
♦ Emma Sherlock, Louise Berridge: History of the earthworm collections at the Natural History Museum, London - Close this section
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy V
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy IV
(Annelida: Oligochaeta)
Proceedings of the 4th International Oligochaeta Taxonomy Meeting
(4th IOTM), Diyarbakır, Turkey, April 20-24, 2009
Tomáš Pavlíček, Patricia Cardet, Yüksel Coşkun, Csaba Csuzdi
Published at Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg
ISSN 0939-7140>> Table of contents
Tomáš Pavlíček
Part I. Taxonomy and Phylogeny
♦ Saga of Herr Hilgendorf’s worms… (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae)Blakemore, R. J.
♦ Extension of employing ITS region in the investigation of Hungarian Fridericia species (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae)Boros, G., Cech, G., Ari, E., Dózsa-Farkas, K.
♦ Using molecular tools to identify New Zealand endemic earthworms in a mine restoration project (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae)Boyer, S., Wratten, S. D.
♦ Significance of using nephridia in the taxonomy of family Enchytraeidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta)Dózsa-Farkas, K.
♦ Remarks on the South African endemic Proandricus lesothoensis species-group (Oligochaeta: Microchaetidae)Plisko, J. D.
Part II. Zoogeography and Evolution
♦ Earthworm fauna of Kazakh upland (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Abukenova, V. S.
♦ Earthworm fauna of the western Mazandaran province, Iran (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae)Ezzatpanah, S., Robabeh, L., Masoumeh, M., Hasan, S.
♦ Distribution of Octolasion cyaneum (Savigny, 1826) in Estonia 1993-2008 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Kuu, A., Ivask, M.
♦ Distribution of endemic earthworm species in Turkey (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Mısızırloğlu, M.
♦ Significance of the Apuseni Mountains (the Carpathians) in the origin and distribution of Central European earthworm fauna (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Pop, A. A., Pop, V. V., Csuzdi, Cs.
Part III. Ecology & Environment
♦ Accumulation of heavy metals by earthworms in boron-contaminated area (Kirka-Eskisehir) (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Arslan, N., Çiçek, A., Akkan, C., Kılınç, D., Acı, E.
♦ The characteristics of earthworm communities along vertically stratified transect of Velika Kapela Mountain grasslands (Croatia) (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Jarić, D., Hackenberger, B.K., Krčmar, S.
♦ Earthworm taxonomic structure of coffee plantations at three soil associations in Puerto Rico (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae, Megascolecidae)Ramos, C., Alfaro, M., Borges, S., Amador, J. A.
♦ Species richness and density of earthworms in western Uttar Pradesh, India (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae, Octochaetidae)Singh, S. M., Prakash, O., Gangwar, G. R., Rachna
♦ Diversity of earthworms and ecology of the dominating species Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister, 1843 in the northern taiga podzols of the Murmansk region (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Zenkova, I. V.
♦ Littoral Oligochaeta (Lumbriculidae and Enchytraeidae) communities of some mountain lakes in the Eastern Black Sea Range (Turkey)Yıldız, S., Ustaoğlu, M. R., Balık, S.
Part IV. Morphology, Histology and Medicine
♦ Adaptive features of life forms in Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Abukenova, V. S., Khanturin, M. R.
♦ Earthworms in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae)Shen, Y.
♦ Collagen distribution in the tissue of the earthworm Octodrilus complanatus (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)Vavoulidou, E., Dellaporta, L., Bilalis, D. J.
- Close this section
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy IV
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy III
(Annelida: Oligochaeta)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Oligochaeta Taxonomy Meeting
(3rd IOTM), Platres, Cyprus, April 2-6, 2007
Tomáš Pavlíček and, Patricia Cardet
Published at EN TIPIS Voula Kokkinou Ltd, Nicosia
ISBN 978-9963-1-0486-4
>> Table of contents
Antonis Antoniou
Tomáš Pavlíček
Part I. Taxonomy and Phylogeny
♦ Blakemore Robert J.: Description of a mysterious worm from Tasmania
♦ Blakemore Robert J.: Phylogeny of Megascolecoidea revisited with recourse to non-molecular means
♦ Blakemore Robert J.: Review of Oriental pheretimoids (Pheretima auct. Megascolecidae) with description of a new genus
♦ Dózsa-Farkas Klára: Taxonomical importance of spermatheca (receptaculum seminis) with special attention to Enchytraeidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta)
♦ Lowe Christopher N. and Butt Kevin R.: Preliminary evidence for the adoption of Allolobophora virescens (Savigny, 1826)
♦ Moreno Ana G., Borges Sonia and Teisaire Ernestina S.: The Family Acantodrilidae Clasus, 1880 in South America
♦ Moreno Ana G., Teisaire Ernestina, Borges Sonia and Barriga Javier: An initial study on the relative distance between setae
♦ Plisko Jadwiga D.: A re-assessment of the South African Tritogenia zuluensis species-group, with remarks on included species (Oligochaeta: Microchaetidae)
♦ Pop Adriana A., Csuzdi Csaba, Wink Michael and Pop Victor V.: Molecular taxonomy and phylogeny of the genera Octolasion Orley, 1885, Octodrilus Omodeo, 1956 and Octodriloides Zicsi, 1986 (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) based on nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 16S rDNA and COI genesPart II. Biogeography, Faunistics and Ecology
♦ Blakemore Robert J.: Seeking consensus on main categories of ecological strategies of earthworms
♦ Borges Sonia and Moreno Ana G.: New earthworm records for Vieques, Puerto Rico
♦ Misirlioğlu Mete, Pavlíček Tomáš and Csuzdi Csaba: Earthworm biodiversity in Turkey: An overview
♦ Norgrove Lindsey, Yonghachea, Prosper Y. and Csuzdi Csaba: Earthworm diversity and densities in land invaded by Imperata cylindrica and Chromolaena odorata in the Western Cameroon highlands
♦ Ouahrani Ghania and Gheribi-Aoulmi Zoubida: Settlement of the lumbricidae in the semi-arid region of Constantine (eastern Algeria)
♦ Pavlíček Tomáš: Does the autochthonous earthworm fauna emigrate from the Levant to Cyprus?Part III. Methodology and Field Guides
♦ Pop Antonia A., Wink Michael and Csuzdi Csaba: Progress in systematics of terrestrial Oligochaeta by using molecular data
♦ Sherlock Emma and Jones David T.: A Field Guide to British Earthworms to support a National Survey- Close this section
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy III
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy II
(Annelida: Oligochaeta)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Oligochaeta Taxonomy Meeting (2nd IOTM), dedicated to Victor Pop, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 4-8, 2005
Victor V. Pop and Adriana Antonia Pop
Published at Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
ISBN 973-610-395-1
>> Table of contents
Victor V. Pop and Adriana Antonia Pop
Part I. Traditional Taxonomy
♦ Pietro Omodeo and Emilia Rota: Speciography and intrapopulation variability in lumbricids
♦ Jadwiga Danuta Plisko: Morphological characterization and taxonomy of the endemic South African earthworm family Microchaetidae (Oligochaeta)
♦ Ana G. Moreno, Ernestina S. Teisaire and Isabel Adriana Roldán: Genus Enantiodrilus Cognetti, 1902 (Annelida, Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae)
♦ Tarmo Timm: Some misused names in aquatic OligochaetaPart II. Molecular taxonomy and phylogeny
♦ Robert J. Blakemore: Whither Octochaetidae? - A review of its family status Annelida: Oligochaeta)
♦ Gábor Cech, Csaba Csuzdi, K. Márialigeti: Remarks on the molecular phylogeny of the genus Dendrobaena (sensu Pop 1941) based on the investigation of 18SrDNA sequences
♦ Gábor Cech and Klára Dózsa-Farkas: Identification of Fridericia schmelzi sp.n. combining morphological characters and PCR-RFLP analysis
♦ Csaba Csuzdi, Adriana Antonia Pop, Victor V. Pop, Michael Wink and András Zicsi: Revision of the Dendrobaena alpina (Rosa, 1884) species group (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) by morphological and molecular methods
♦ Sam W. James: Preliminary molecular phylogeny in the Pheretima group of genera (Crassiclitellata: Megascolecidae) using Bayesian analysis
♦ Adriana Antonia Pop, Csaba Csuzdi and Michael Wink: Remarks on the molecular phylogeny of Crassiclitellata families using the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene (Oligochaeta, Opisthopora)
♦ Adriana Antonia Pop, Csaba Csuzdi, Michael Wink and Victor V. Pop: An attempt to reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of the genus Allolobophora Eisen, 1874 (sensu lato, Pop, 1941) using 16S rDNA and COI sequences (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)Part III. Faunistics and Ecology
♦ Sonia Borges, Donato Seguí and Eduardo Boothby: The earthworms of Vieques, Puerto Rico
♦ Catalina C. Mischis, Csaba Csuzdi, Gabriela Argüello and Julio A. D. Herrera: A Contribution to the knowledge of the earthworm fauna (Annelida, Oligochaeta) of the Argentinian Patagonia
♦ Tomáš Pavlíček and Csaba Csuzdi: Earthworm fauna of Jordan – A review
♦ Tomáš Pavlíček, Csaba Csuzdi, and Eviatar Nevo: Prolonged diapause of earthworms as an adaptation to semiarid environments. A case study
♦ Anna Rożen and Robert W. Mysłajek: Earthworm communities of the Silesian Beskid MountainsPart IV. Earthworm collections
♦ Ernestina S. Teisaire, María López Aragón and Ana G. Moreno: The Gavrilov's Earthworms Collection (Annelida: Oligochaeta)
♦ Victor V. Pop: The Pop’s earthworm collection (Annelida, Oligochaeta) from the Zoological Museum of the Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania- Close this section
- Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy II